Still Super Busy

I seriously need to get my blogging motivation back on track!

Since moving in with Dave, I’ve mostly been settling into my new home and helping with decorating etc. I’ve also been working all over the place, including a week away on the Isle of Wight, so it’s been hard to find time to sit down a blog. However, I have recently had a chance to sit down in the evenings and complete some more squares for Dave’s blanket, which is putting me back on track again. I need to have another count up at some point, but looking at my box of unattached squares, it will be a little while before I get round to attaching more rows, due to the fact that I’ve gone made making light blue squares, and didn’t realise that I had no red, orange or yellow haha! My bad. So I am now back on the yellow squares, working towards my next goal of getting more attached – woohoo!

Also, since my last post, I have been away to Cornwall for a weekend, with friends. It was great fun and we had a really nice time – we decided to visit the Eden Project, which was pricey but still a lovely place to go.

So onwards and upwards – tomorrow there will be a Treasury post, I promise. I need to get back into the swing of things, because I do miss sharing with you all!

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