BBQ, African flowers, and working hard! 6th – 13th August From left to right: I was sad to find a dead bumblebee in the garden, crazy fancy dress fundraisers in Portsmouth, pentagon progress, a much appreciated Saturday evening BBQ, modern…
Category: this week
Week 31
A folk festival, my fabulous friend, and the usual routine! 31st July – 6th August From left to right: sunny skies, I met up with my lovely friend Aimee for the first time in well over a year, a very…
Week 30
A new hotel room, and a working week on the Isle of Wight. 23rd – 30th July From left to right: intended to go for a beachy walk after work until I saw the sky, new yaaaarn, my lovely Gareth…
Week 29
Weymouth and Winchester, coupled with a whole day of gardening! 16th – 23rd July From left to right: a shield bug in our garden, Felix’s last day at Superdrug Weymouth!, one of the lupins that Dave grew from seed has…
Week 28
This week, I finished Ruben’s blanket! 9th – 16th July From left to right: pretty roses outside our bedroom window, Dave got a new hedge trimmer to play with, a rather dreary but humid day in Weymouth, blanket edging, Goat…
Week 27
Crazy weather, and loads of crochet! 2nd – 9th July From left to right: my beautiful wrapped lucha swap parcel, lovely blue skies – perfect for a BBQ, half of a massive hailstone that came down in the enormous storms we…
Week 26
Some insanely hot weather this week…and rain too. It’s been a mixed bag! 25th June – 2nd July From left to right: a teeny tiny moth in the garden, closeup on my catherine wheel stitches in the baby blanket, Dorchester…
Week 25
Working away, crochet, and cooking! 18th – 25th June From left to right: joining in the squares on Dave’s blanket, bizarre sunburn on my legs, dinner at 29029 with Rich and Sarah, one of my Cosmos plants is flowering, Dave…
Week 24
Part of a much needed week off! 11th – 18th June From left to right: spending the day with Sarah and giving her the photobook I made from her baby shower photos, our first camping trip, a “before” photo from…
Week 23
BBQs, curry, haircut, and yarn! 4th – 11th June From left to right: beautiful weather in Exmouth, a day off spent with my hooks, no more red tips on my hair, lovely haircut…my hair is virgin again, Dave bought Jubbly…