Morning everyone! Like I promised in my last post, I am trying to make more of an effort and get this place up and running again, if I can! Today’s post isn’t about crochet but it is still creative and crafty. I’m actually looking for some advice!
Eleanor is going to be 15 months old tomorrow (how did that happen?!) and she is into everything. She loves to explore and is so inquisitive, which is something that I would really like to promote and encourage in her day to day life.
I’ve seen lots of posts on Pinterest about sensory play, and we’ve had a few tries – a month or so ago I gave her a tub of water and a tub of “super foam” (which is bubble bath that you set upon with an electric whisk…game changer) and she had a really great time splashing, “washing” her toys in the foam and water, and generally making a mess. We also had a go with some cooked spaghetti, which I hid some animals in…she was less impressed by this one! She has also tried painting on a couple of occasions – I pop splodges of paint onto some card and then put it into a sandwich bag for her to squish. She really enjoys pushing the paint around with her fingers.
Today I have assembled the following set up for her…

A friend did some “construction” play with her little boy the other day using some oats, and I figure it’s an easy clean up. Plus if (when) Eleanor tries to eat some, it won’t cause any harm. She’s currently having a little snooze, so we haven’t had a go yet but I’ll definitely update with how it’s gone!
So here is my question – those of you with children – have you tried this kind of play with them? Do you have any tips or ideas that we could try out? I would really like to try and encourage a creative little mind, if I can!